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EU projects





Name of the project: Developing a cost-effective, automated design and manufacturing technology for modular buildings

Nr. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-02-0046

Stratosfera UAB is focused on the development of high-added value, innovative software for making modular home production more efficient. The essence of this project is to acquire new knowledge by addressing scientific and technological uncertainties related to the R&D activity: the development of generative design solutions to personalise the architecture of modular houses according to the customer's characteristics. The project addresses a number of existing problems that also define the innovative aspects of the product, such as personalised architecture - each customer receives a unique solution tailored to their needs, order fulfilment at the touch of a button - shortening the time from decision to order, shortening the supply chain by omitting the architects' intervention in the design - reducing construction costs, generating production drawings, estimates, etc. Target customers - all persons interested in the construction of modular individual houses for personal use, as well as companies producing and building modular houses.


Project implementation period:  2020-07-22 – 2022-07-21


The project implementation under EU instrument: 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-02


The project is funded by European Regional Development Fund.


The project budget: 552 025,51 Eur


Funding for the project: 399 954,78 Eur



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